Have I Slipped A Disc?
What is a “slipped disc”?
The first thing to say about a slipped disc is that it hasn’t “slipped”! This is a complete misnomer. Discs can’t slip, they are held in place with strong ligaments. However, they can bulge and press against a nerve root in the spine. The worse case, they can rupture!
More often the main problem with discs is that the start to thin and dry out as we get older. As a result, their ability to absorb shock is reduced. The small spinal joints which control our movements are subsequently pushed closer together. This can lead to wear and tear, inflammation and arthritis.
Most people with a “slipped disc” experience pain on one side of the body that starts slowly and gets worse over time. The pain you experience when a disc presses on a nerve is often worse when you put pressure on the nerve. This happens when you cough, sneeze or sit down.
However, some people with a slipped disc do not have any obvious symptoms. This is usually because the part of the disc that bulges out is small or does not press on the nerves or spinal cord.
What is the pain like?
A slipped disc in the lower back can cause:
- back pain during movement
- numbness or a tingling sensation in the back, buttocks, genitals, legs or feet
The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body and is made up of several smaller nerves. It runs from the back of the pelvis, through the buttocks and down the legs to the feet. If a slipped disc is putting pressure on the sciatic nerve, it leads to pain in the leg, hip or buttocks. This is known as Sciatica.
I can assess whether or not your discs are bulging and give you appropriate treatment and advice to stop the condition from getting worse.
For more information and advice in Wilmslow click here
Best Bed for a Bad Back
Do you feel you are not getting the most out of your sleep?
Perhaps you could consider the following 10 tips to see if you need a better bed for a bad back:
- Before spending money on a new bed see if a stiff board under a mattress can improve a sagging base.
- Don’t be taken in the description on the product such as “orthopaedic”. There’s no regulation of manufacturers’ descriptions of their product. Find one that best fits your needs regarding your height, weight, age, sleeping position and back problem.
- Your new bed needs to be high enough so that you can get up and sit down with ease. It also has to be wide enough, if you or your sleep partner is restless.
- The mattress should be supportive enough to take the weight of your body without sagging and firm enough for you to turn with ease. A soft surface is hard to turn on. The heavier the person the deeper the mattress needs to be. A soft base for a heavier person usually means more sag.
- Interior sprung mattresses are the most common form of mattress and can provide sufficient support and cushion the bony curves of the body. They come with a large variation in numbers of springs and prices. Always choose as many springs as you can within your budget.
- Memory foam works by responding to temperature and weight to relieve and disperse pressure. You must ensure that you can turn with ease, because lying in one position for too long can create stiffness. There are a number of manufactures that provide both mattresses and toppers. Foam mattresses often need less turning than other kinds, which can prevent back strain.
- It is advisable to buy your mattress and base together. A solid base is good and offers support when sitting or getting off the bed. A good quality full sprung edge base is the most flexible and will absorb wear and tear well.
- You may also need to consider other aids depending on your sleeping position and back problem, for example mattress toppers, lumbar support cushions and shoulder pillows.
- A simple test whether a bed has the right level of firmness for you is to lie down on your back and slide your hand between mattress and the small of your back. If there is a large gap, the bed is probably too hard. If it is difficult to push your hand, through it is probably too soft, However, if your hand slides through but remains in contact with your back and the bed it is probably just right.
- A bed needs to be tested for at least 10 minutes according to the Osteopathic Council and some manufacturers do a home trial that is worth looking out for.
For more information on this and other back care information, please Click here
Remember, its not just the fault of the bed!
We also need to learn how to ‘prepare’ our bodies for sleep. Take a look at this post Helping Back Pain Through Sleep
For more information in Wilmslow call: 01625 533813
This Is Spinal Manipulation
Why do I hear a ‘Click’ during spinal manipulation?
Osteopaths use a technique called High Velocity Thrust (or HVT). This is a safe, relatively gentle spinal manipulation to restore normal movement and function in the joints of the spine. It takes the joint just slightly further than it is used to going.
Although it can sometimes feel as if force is being used, the joint is not taken further than it is capable of moving. Sometimes you hear a clicking or popping noise. However, the noise is perfectly normal is not the sound of a bone crack!
So what is actually happening to cause this sound?
The sound is believed to come from the release of gas bubbles from the joint to which the HVT technique is being applied. Joints are the meeting point of two separate bones. They are held together and in place by connective tissues and ligaments and surrounded by synovial fluid. Just like when you stretch or bend your finger to pop the knuckle, the bones of the joint are pulled apart. The connective tissue capsule that surrounds the joint becomes stretched.
This stretching rapidly increases the volume and decreases the pressure in the joint cavity. As a result this causes the gases dissolved in the synovial fluid to become less soluble and form bubbles. When the joint is stretched far enough, the pressure in the capsule drops so low that these bubbles burst. This produces that ‘pop’ that we associate with joint manipulation. See this demonstration.
Does the popping sound always occur?
Patients often listen for the tell-tale noise as a sign that the HVT has worked. However, a pop or click noise will not always be heard – even if a joint has been released. The relaxation of the surrounding muscles and increased movement in the joint are far more important signs of the technique having worked.
Why not ask me more? Phone 07547 631679
Avoiding Back Pain While Gardening
Top tips to avoid Back Pain while Gardening
When the spring arrives it’s tempting to get out in the garden and do as much as we can while the weather is dry! Repetitive actions such as weeding, digging and using the wheelbarrow can lead to back pain. Here are some tips to help our backs from becoming injured:
- Have the right tools for the job at the right size.
- Go for a short walk and do some gentle warm up stretches for your legs and back before you start.
- Having raised flower beds or narrow borders can prevent bending and over reaching.
- Weeding is best done using long handled tools or by kneeling. Use a kneeling pad, especially if you already have problems with your knees and don’t stick at it for too long.
- When working on your hands and knees, keep your spine long and your shoulders relaxed.
- Avoid repetitive bending over to pick up the weeds, if doing it from standing. Leave them in a pile and do them in one go.
- When using a wheelbarrow, don’t overfill it. Think and bend from the hips and knees before you lift it. Don’t use your back for this.
- Don’t stick at the same activity for too long, listen to your muscles. If you’re feeling the muscles complain, stop and have a break or do something else.
- When you’ve finished, do some cool down stretches for those hard worked muscles. Finish the day off with a warm bath!
- Remember, it’s often normal to feel some stiffness or mild ache in muscles the next day after unaccustomed exercise. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve done yourself harm!
If you’re unsure if you’ve strained you back, I can assess you to make sure and reduce tension in the muscles with appropriate osteopathic treatment.
07547 631679
30th Anniversary Celebration
30th Anniversary as an Osteopath!
30th Anniversary Celebration! I graduated from the British School of Osteopathy in London in 1991. At that time, osteopathy was largely an unregulated profession. As a result, anyone could call themselves an osteopath. This was often with little or no formal training, for instance. However, The Osteopaths Act was passed in 1993. The title ‘Osteopath’ became protected. Only those who had done the recognised formal training could call themselves an osteopath.
In 1997 the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) was established. The GOsC ‘would embrace all aspects of osteopathy’. It had a duty ‘to develop, promote and regulate the profession of osteopathy’. As a result, The GOsC achieved a great deal including:
- Established the Register and the associated entry criteria.
- Set a benchmark for osteopathic education and training
- It developed a Code of Practice and Standard of Proficiency
- It introduced Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and the monitoring of compliance.
- Successful prosecution of those unlawfully using the title ‘osteopath’.
As a result, all of these activities played a significant role for osteopathy. For instance, it is now a recognised, high-quality and safe healthcare profession. Because of this, I am proud to have been an osteopath for 30 years!
Helping back pain through sleep
Why is Sleep Important in helping Back Pain?
When back pain affects you, you might despair of ever getting a good nights sleep. Not getting enough sleep or poor quality sleep can actually make you more sensitive to pain. It can be a vicious circle if back pain makes it harder to sleep and when you can’t sleep your back pain seems worse!
Here are ten tips which may help:
- Establish a good bedtime routine. Try to go to bed the same time each night.
- Avoid large meals late at night or eat early. Fight after dinner drowsiness. If you get sleepy, do an activity until it’s closer in time to go to bed.
- A warm bath before bed can be relaxing.
- Don’t have alcohol before bed. It may relax you initially but it impairs the quality of sleep.
- Don’t read or watch Television or use an iPad in bed. TV or devices that are backlit suppress melatonin and whatever you’re reading or watching may be more stimulating than relaxing! Listen to music or audio books instead.
- Try a few gentle stretches when you lie down in bed such as pulling your knees to your chest and holding for a few seconds.
- Start off in as comfortable a position as possible such as lying on your side in a foetal position with a pillow between your legs, or on your back with a pillow under your knees.
- Don’t sleep on your stomach. This may be a habit you’ve got into but keeping your back arched backwards often aggravates back pain. To break the habit, sleep in a T-shirt with a pocket and put a ball in the pocket. You’ll know about it if you roll onto your front in the night!
- Make sure the room is dark, try not to have any digital display light on an alarm clock.
- Avoid a lie in on a weekend, it may disturb your usual weekly sleep pattern. If you need to make up for a late night or lost sleep, opt for a day time nap to pay off your sleep debt. Limit it to 20-30 mins in the early afternoon.
Osteopathic soft tissue massage treatment can help ease some of the tensions in your back which can start helping back pain through sleep.
For more information in Wilmslow call: 01625 533813
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
Preventing Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
Did you know osteopathy can identify problems such as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) related to sports and training?
Osteopaths look at the muscles, bones and tissues affected by injury, postural problems, and training. This identifies wider issues which contributes to a localised pain or specific complaint. Osteopaths focus on the whole body to find out what is out of balance.
Following a full functional assessment, the problems can be treated using massage, physical manipulation, muscle stretching. As a result, this ensures your body is in its optimum state. You can then function well and confidently.
Massage prepares the muscles before intense activity, which includes taking part in events. Massage stimulates the muscles and increasing blood flow. Post exercise, massage is very helpful in preventing Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. This is soreness in the muscles secondary to exercise.
What is Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)?
DOMS is a phenomenon of muscle pain and soreness. This is felt 12-48 hours following exercise. In particular, this follows an increase in the duration or intensity of exercise. It usually subsides over the next few days. As a result, symptoms range from tenderness in the muscle to severe pain.
Microtraumas in your muscle fibres causes DOMS. These microtraumas are repaired as part of the muscle growth process. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness can be helped by Osteopathy for Sports.
Sports osteopathy diagnoses and treats current sporting injuries. It can also help in trying to prevent other sporting injuries. Seeing an osteopath regularly means you’ll enjoy a body that is more ‘in tune’ and the risk of injury can be reduced. This will be regardless of what sporting activities you do.
For years I’ve helped runners prepare for events. For instance, charity events. In return for helping to raise funds for charities, I offer a discount in fees for pre and post-run treatment.
Tell me more about it here.
For advice and support in Wilmslow, contact me:
01625 533813
Back Pain – Friend or Foe?
Back Pain – Friend or Foe?
Back Pain affects many of us at some time or another doesn’t it? It can be at times debilitating, always inconvenient as it restricts us from doing the things we love – walking, gardening or running.
There are many structures that can be involved in Back Pain – discs, joints, muscles, nerves and ligaments. Symptoms can range from local pain (pain in once place) to referred pain (pain going to another place) such as into the bottom or down to the leg, feelings of numbness and tingling or feelings of weakness.
Is my back letting me down?
So, we know that our Backs often become strained or injured but the question we have to ask is Why? Is it actually the fault of the Spine? The answer to that question surprisingly is….very rarely! The Spine is usually the victim and for far too long we have not been blaming the real foe….ourselves!! We use our bodies in very repetitive ways, take ‘chances’ with our backs by not taking care in the way we sit, lift and walk!
The main victim is the overworked Lumbar Spine. The Lumbar Spine has a unique ability to compensate for restricted motion that occurs in areas above it (Thoracic Spine) and below it (Hips). The motions of the Lumbar Spine are as follows:
- Flexion 40-60 degrees
- Extension 20-35 degrees
- Rotation 3-18 degrees
- Side-bending 15-20 degrees
Don’t bend and twist at the same time!
We are always told that bending and rotating at the same time as we lift something off the floor in a No No! It can cause injury to our low back! The Lumbar Spine actually has very little ability to rotate. The vast amount of our rotation actually comes from Thoracic Spine and the Hips (see here)
If there is restriction in rotation in either the Hips or Thoracic Spine where does the extra motion come from? That’s right. The Lumbar Spine! So this rotational restriction, in either the Thoracic Spine or the Hips, will cause the Lumbar Spine to attempt to compensate for this loss of motion outside of its normal limits. This is until something gives up…..as a result we are left in a tremendous amount of Low Back Pain!
So, don’t think your back has let you down? Our day to day poor use of the spine can be the real foe! For far too long the Lumbar Spine has been blamed when in fact the vast majority of times…..it’s actually the victim!
Look after your back. It’s your friend!
For advice about what you can do to help yourself, please contact me
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Poor footwear and back pain!
Poor footwear, especially high heels, cause problems from the big toe right up to the spine causing back pain.
The first area we see problems are painful lumps (called bunions) on the outside of your big toe. Typically a bunion forms from pressure on the front of the foot causing a deviation in the bones of the big toe. It creates painful pressure contact on the bunion, looks unsightly and the big toe can get stiff.
Another issue with high heels are tight calf muscles. Because as your heels are elevated, it shortens the calf muscle. This shortened muscle can have a biomechanical impact on the legs. Constant wear also applies pressure to the shin bone and added stress to it can lead to issues such as ‘shin splints’ – pain on the front of the shin, which is common in runners.
You can also get calluses, hard patches of skin, under the front and ball of the foot.
Although there is a force distribution going through the hip joint, while wearing high heels, it may not directly causes specific hip problems but it does cause stress on the area!
What to do about poor footwear and back pain? The best way to avoid these conditions is to give the feet a rest!
- Limit the amount of time in high heels if you need to wear them to work.
- Always commute in flats and trainers to take the stress away from hips and knees.
- Those who frequently wear heels should do calf stretches.
- There are self help remedies you can do to deal with pain, such as standing on the edge of a step and letting the heel drop towards the next step, allowing the feet to stretch
- Massaging the sole of the feet can help – try using a golf ball or a rolling pin.
- Other remedies include a hot bath and mobilisation, such as drawing circles or the alphabet with your foot.
- Walk properly in comfortable shoes. Why not try Nordic Walking!
For more information in Wilmslow:
Fact or Fiction? – Diet Myths
Fact or Fiction?
Busting diet myths
So, how do you tell the difference between a faddy diet or diet myths and one which will help you lose weight at a sensible rate and keep it off?
Look out for the warning signs and beware of these common diet myths:
Diet Myth 1 – Skipping breakfast is a good way to lose weight
Skipping meals, especially breakfast, can make you feel tired and hungry and more likely to reach for high-fat, high-calorie snacks. In fact, people who eat breakfast are more likely to maintain a healthy weight than those who don’t.
Diet Myth 2 – Food restrictions
If you eat nothing but celery or oranges all day long for a week you will, of course, lose weight. But fad diets that drastically cut calories will quickly become boring and won’t be effective in the long run. It’s not necessary to starve to lose weight – making small changes that you can stick to is the key to long-term success.
Diet Myth 3 – No treats
Depriving yourself of all the foods you enjoy won’t work. You’ll eventually give into temptation and abandon your efforts. There’s no harm in allowing yourself a treat now and again.
Diet Myth 4 – No eating past 8pm
It doesn’t matter when you eat if you are eating too much – a calorie is a calorie at any time of the day! It’s healthier for your digestive system not to eat a heavy meal before you go to bed but a late dinner will not make you any fatter than an early one.
Diet Myth 5 – Lose your belly fat / bingo wings / thunder thighs
As unfair as it may seem, we can’t pick and choose where we gain or lose weight from. When the body loses fat, it is lost throughout the body. Focusing on one area of the body when exercising may develop better muscle tone in that area but it will not remove more fat.
Diet Myth 6 – Certain foods help you burn fat
No foods can actually help you to burn fat. The important thing is eating less calories (energy), rather than eating specific foods that are thought to have special properties.
Diet Myth 7 – Carbs are fattening
It’s calories that count, and gram for gram carbohydrate has less than half the calories of fat. However, carbohydrate rich foods can be high in calories because of the fillings and toppings commonly added to them – such as creamy sauces on pasta and butter or cheese on baked potatoes. Some carbohydrate foods, especially wholegrain versions, are packed full of fibre which can keep hunger at bay. For example, wholegrain pasta is more filling than white pasta and will keep you satisfied for longer.
Diet Myth 8 – No snacking
Eating healthy snacks between meals can actually help you to control your appetite. Fruit, vegetables, crudites and low fat yoghurt are great choices.
Diet Myth 9 – Low fat only
Replacing fat with other ingredients can still result in a product with a high calorie content. Don’t be fooled – check the label. Quantity is also important – you won’t cut back on calories if you eat twice as much of a low fat product as a full fat one.
Diet Myth 10 – Intense exercise regimes
Even low intensity exercise will help use up more calories. Walking, gardening or doing housework can make quite a difference.